The Wandering Mawr(ter)

the thoughts, travels, ideas, and life of a Bryn Mawr College Senior.

Letting Things Fall By the Wayside…

I admit it, I completely forgot about my blogging career amongst all the other things I’ve been doing this year. Who knew Senior Year could be so complicated?

But it’s Spring Break now, so I suddenly have time to catch up on all the things I’ve let fall by the wayside. I’ve read some books in Spanish. I’ve done a few phone interviews for teaching English abroad jobs. I’ve re-written my resume 15 times and visited a career counselor at the Bryn Mawr CDO (which is the career development office and I’ve extremely thankful they’re open over break!) I’ve also worked ALOT at my on-campus job. I’m almost to the point that I HAVE to take off because I’m at risk of  getting overtime and the week’s just started.

So right now, I’m sitting in my kitchen while my chicken simmers in Trader Joe’s Masala sauce so that I can have a nice relaxing Indian dinner and do my best not to think about where I’m going to be after May 12th (Graduation Day).

I’ve been thinking about getting certified to teach English as a second language and find a job in some exotic land far away.

…or… something here. I’d be happy just staying here in Bryn Mawr for a while. I have a place to live, the rent is affordable, and this town feels like home now.

I know that wherever the next few months take me, I don’t regret a moment of my time at Bryn Mawr. Honestly, I wish I could stay here longer! It’s an intense, time-intensive, exhausting and beautiful experience studying at Bryn Mawr… my thesis, the friends I’ve had, the things I’ve seen, the lectures I’ve been to… EVERYTHING… has changed my live in so many wonderful ways.

To any of you who are reading this blog because you are about to go to Bryn Mawr or are thinking of going to Bryn Mawr: I want you to please hang in there. The first year might be tough. Honestly, I spent my entire first year or two talking about transferring to NYU… and a few of my friends did transfer. I am SO glad that I didn’t. I have met the most interesting and inspiring people while being at Bryn Mawr and have truly been able to pursue those pesky life questions. Stick with Bryn Mawr and I promise it will grow on you if you truly give it a chance.

That’s all for now. My masala is almost done and I don’t think I can stay away any longer.

Take care and enjoy this beautiful weather!





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